ZORA on MEDIUM: Color Farm Co-Founder, Erika Alexander, Highlights Hollywood's Systemic Racism By Explaining 'Living Single' vs. 'Friends'

Color Farm co-founder, Erika Alexander, recently published an article with ZORA on Medium explaining why her Twitter conversation with David Schwimmer of TV show ‘Friends’ matters and how it points to the systemic ignorance behind the battle. This example of ‘Living Single’ vs ‘Friends’ is at the heart of why Color Farm exists because it a prime example in the systemic racism within Hollywood that has created huge disparities in how much production and marketing support TV shows and films receive based on the racial makeup of the cast.

Read Erika’s Medium post here: https://zora.medium.com/why-the-friends-vs-living-single-twitter-beef-really-matters-ce54d9559457

Erika previously explained ‘Living Single’ vs. ‘Friends’ in a video for Shadow and Act: https://shadowandact.com/erika-alexander-explains-friends-success-vs-living-single-they-have-the-complexion-for-the-protection/

Here’s a Deadline article that highlights David Schwimmer’s response to Erika: https://deadline.com/2020/02/david-schwimmer-responds-living-single-actress-friends-diversity-comments-1202849790/